Now, more than ever before, people can share their experiences with others. If your business offers adventure experiences (obstacle courses, paintballing, rock climbing, etc.), your marketing needs to offer sharable and exciting moments your clients can easily share. Zip lining, in particular, offers "wow" moments that can elevate your business to new heights and give your company a presence on social media platforms.
Video Stars
With the advances in video technology, it's easier than ever to capture high-quality video and share them on multiple platforms.
1st Person Experiences: Outfitting your clients with a chest- and head-mounted video camera can help them show their thrilling trip on your zip line. Not only will your clients be able to share the video on their social media platforms, but they will also be marketing for your company in the process. This equipment is cost-effective and the software needed to share it is also largely free. You can create additional revenue by editing the video and packaging it for your clients.
Time Lapse and Multi-Perspectives: Providing novel video and pictures of your clients zip lining experience not only provides additional multimedia content for their use, but it also gives each client's experience individualized importance. What client wouldn't want a selfie to share at the height of their zip lining experience?
Drones: Nothing captures the thrill of flying like a literal drone's-eye view! Providing drone-captured footage of your zip lining experiences provides a scale and perspective that speak volumes about its thrills and excitement. This also video footage is also easy to export and edit into highlight videos for your clients.
Create a Community
In addition to giving your clients an experience they can share on their social media, creating a community can create a sustainable business.
Team Building: Offering team building exercises can help you attract large parties to your zip lining experience. For instance, you can divide groups into teams and have speed/relay competitions. You can also curate novel pre–zip lining activities like trust falls and scavenger hunts to make the outing a valuable team building opportunity.
Education: With hands-on learning becoming such a staple of many curriculums, providing educational courses around the physics and engineering needed for zip lining can be another way to drum up enthusiasm and goodwill for your business. From friction to support systems to aerodynamics to inertia, there are endless STEM lessons you can create for kids and educational partners with your company.
Learn more from a zip line company near you.